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Renew by Bank Transfer or Cheque

Use these details to renew by bank transfer or cheque.
Let me know by email (use form below) when you make transfer or post cheque.
To renew by card click here

€ AIB acc euro transfer

Account: Rathdery Limited
IBAN: IE48 AIBK 9372 9007 3170 94

  • Standard Renewal €240
  • Special Offers Renewal €295
  • Premium Renewal €350

please reference with your holiday home name and let me know by email, using the form below

£ First Trust acc transfer

Account: Rathdery Limited
Bank sort code: 93-84-83
Bank account number: 12884059

  • Standard Renewal £215
  • Special Offers Renewal £265
  • Premium Renewal £315

please reference with your holiday home name and let me know by email, using the form below

Renew by cheque

Pay: Rathderry Limited
4 Drumlerry
Old Culmore Road
Derry BT48 8GQ

  • Standard Renewal £215 / €240
  • Special Offers Renewal £265 / €295
  • Premium Renewal £315 / €350

please reference cheque with your holiday home name and let me know by email, using the form below

Notify Payment by Email

When you’ve renewed by bank transfer or cheque, use form below to let us know. Receipt will then be sent on to you.

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